Unemployedre even brew rice cake ...
요즘 백수는 송편이라도 빚어야...엄마말을 잘 들으세요..송편 피를 접시에 올리고엄마가 말한 송편 고물도 집어 올리고송편을 꾹 눌러서 완성한 다음 접시에 던지면 OK !백수 송편 만들기 !!----개발자 연락처 :+82-10-4300-1443Todays unemployed have even fashioned dish ...Listen to the mother say well ..Avoid raising the dish on the plateMom said dish also picks up junkPress and hold the finished dish on a plate and then throw OK!Creating unemployed dish!백수송편 출시!